RTMC workforce and project management

July 11, 2023

RTM Consulting, Inc.



RTM Consulting, Inc. ("RTMC"), a firm in Cincinnati, Ohio offering multiple services supporting resource, workforce and project management to companies and professionals worldwide, desired a buyer that would build on its successful 16-year history and provide its employees with ongoing career growth opportunities.


The Challenge

  • RTMC's expertise in resource, workforce and project management was specialized, and understanding the business was complicated by the combined service offerings of consulting, training, and software support.

  • Communicating this specialization and services complexity to potentially interested acquirers such that they understood and appreciated the value in the business that had been built over time was challenging.

The Situation

  • RTMC owner Randy Mysliviec interviewed 13 potential advisors to represent the business with potential acquirers before selecting TP4 Advisors for its M&A Services comprehensive process and experienced team.

  • TP4 took the time to learn about and understand the RTMC business, built a confidential marketing program to contact and interact with both potentially interested financial investors as well as companies that could benefit strategically from acquiring RTMC, and then reached out to more than 700 qualified parties that were identified.

The Result

  • TP4 used its comprehensive marketing process and knowledge of RTMC services to interact with interested parties, manage the due diligence requirements, and facilitate interactions with all parties of both the seller and potential acquirers as well as their various professional advisors

  • RTMC was acquired by Belcan with the intent to apply RTMC expertise internally within the extensive Belcan professional services organization and leverage RTMC services together with Belcan offerings to reach even more businesses and professionals worldwide

  • The owner received a price for the business that pleased him and received the satisfaction of knowing that both the business and its employees had bright prospects with an acquirer positioned to take RTMC to the next level.

Interested in divesting part or all of your current business?

Contact us today for a discreet consultation

Interested In Divesting Part Or All Of Your Current Business?

Contact Us Today For A Discrete Consultation
Todd Pfister
Todd Pfister

Interested in divesting part or all of your current business?

Contact us today for a discrete consultation

Interested In Divesting Part Or All Of Your Current Business?

Contact Us Today For A Discrete Consultation
Todd Pfister
Todd Pfister

What People Are Saying

“TP4 Advisors helped RTMC through the M&A process with an experienced team including a professional valuation, development of a comprehensive M&A strategy, and ultimately leading us through a successful sale to a private equity owned firm. Their ‘do what it takes’ approach made a big difference and gave us confidence in achieving our desired outcome.”

Randy Mysliviec, President and CEO, RTMC